Summer School: Additive Manufacturing and Biofabrication

The summer school on Additive Manufacturing and Biofabrication will take place at ETH Zurich (Switzerland), from 27th to 31st of August 2018.

by Philipp Fisch

Additive manufacturing revolutionizes the way we can produce objects. From simple FDM printing to the complex assembly of metamaterials, 3D printing allows the creation of new and unique constructs. Even living matter is used: printed microorganisms add biological properties to materials or transform scaffolds over time. In addition, biofabrication of patient specific tissue grafts in personalized medicine is within reach of current research.
In this summer school, leading scientists will show you the current state of additive manufacturing and what will be soon possible. Experts from the field will present you real world applications and problems in translation of current research. It is our great pleasure to have several speakers from industry, which will talk about the capabilities and applications of additive manufacturing and biofabrication.
As part of the summer school you will also attend a full day workshop on 3D printing and on Bioprinting which will teach you hands-on the hard- and software which needed to get the printing started in your lab!
Advanced master as well as PhD students interested in additive manufacturing techniques to drive forward their research are encouraged to apply. For registration, please visit
Participation fee: 100 CHF (Master students), 250 CHF (PhD students)
The application deadline is Sunday, 1st of July 2018.
Further information can be found at

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